Overview of Modular Chiller

What is modular chiller?

A Modular chiller usually uses two or more modules to increase the cooling capacity of your system. It works beyond what a regular chiller would be able to do. The capacity of the modules as a whole is more than that of a single ordinary chiller.

It’s a small packaged chiller that your HVAC provider can combine with other chiller modules to make a single larger machine within your HVAC system.
modular chiller

Major Advantages

Modular chillers have emerged recently as a more cost-effective, mass-produced.

Types Of Modular chiller

Modular chillers come in a wide range of varieties, including Modular Air-cooled chillers and Modular Water-cooled chillers

However, the compressor, condenser, expansion device, and evaporator are the same main components in both types of systems. Centrifugal, screw, and scroll compressors are a few of the subtypes that fall under those two basic kinds.

When you put two of these chiller modules together, one module controls the other. The two modules communicate to each other through a microprocessor controller. For water-cooled chillers, the chilled water travels from both modules’ chilled water supply and from the heat exchanger (after it cools) to the main module’s chilled water supply header and return header.

How do we differentiate our chillers than others?

For instance, because they are smaller than typical chillers, they are ideal for retrofitting older heating and cooling systems. The modules are easier to integrate into our current system than a typical chiller is. Having numerous modules also increases the redundancy of your system. Because each module has its own dedicated power. It may continue to produce cooling capacity for your system even if one of the modules fails.

In general, chillers expand your Chiller system’s cooling capacity.