Cold Storage Chiller Manufacturer

Cold Storage Chiller is an electrically powered room where you can manage a certain temperature lower than the atmosphere by proper setting. You can also feel the difference in temperature before and after a cold room. You need the best Cold Storage Chiller For storing frozen foods for a longer time. Conserving the food is one of the most important tasks when it comes to the food processing, supermarket, and cold storage rental business. Everything will be ineffective If you couldn’t do it in the correct way then. Besides if you try to get every kind of food on daily basis then your business won’t last long as profitable. Preservation is the only way to stock the foods according to your need. So you need to enhance your storage to spice up the business which is undeniably a game-changing one.


Coolfab Equipments customized the chillers as per your need as follows,
✓ High Temperature (HT) above 0°C for storing vegetables, fruits, and eggs
✓ Medium Temperature (MT) at -18°C for storing meat and aquatic products
✓ Low Temperature (LT) at -25°C for storing fresh meat, fish, seafood, and other frozen food
Nothing can help better than cold storage in terms of storing edibles. So let’s get ready to drive into knowing the secrecy of the cold storage system and get you the one you need.

Storage Life

Product Type Temperature °C Storage Life
Apples 1 to 4°C Up to 12 months
Potato’s 0°C Up to 12 months
Grapes 0°C Up to 8 weeks
Tomato’s 0°C Up to 4 Weeks
Mango 12°C to 13°C Up to 5 Weeks
Broccoli and cauliflower 0°C Up to 4 Weeks
Carrots 0°C Up to 9 months
Onion 0°C Up to 8 months
Banana 13°C to 16°C Up to 4 weeks
Meat & Fish -1°C to -25°C Up to 9 months
Flowers 10°C to 15°C Up to 2 Weeks